[rt-users] WikiFormat guide for RTFM

Forrest Stanley fstanley at netburner.com
Fri Aug 6 20:59:22 EDT 2004

I wrote a guide for the WikiFormat rules used by RTFM. I know many people 
have asked this in the past, including me. I finally broke down and 
analyzed wikiformat.pm. I wrote this guide, which I will add to the wiki 
page on Monday. Any ways, I hope that this helps other users that are 
having problems with Wiki.

WikiFormat Rules and Usage for RTFM

RTFM uses a special formatting language called WikiFormat. This language is 
a quick way to create a professional looking page in HTML with no knowledge 
of HTML. This guide will provide a cheat sheet for using Text::WikiFormat, 
as well as some underlying code changes that can be made to modify the way 
the text is formatted.

WikiFormat Options

By default, RTFM's WikiFormat uses the following rules, which may be added 
or modified by modifying /path/to/RT/lib/RT/FM/ArticleCFValue_Overlay.pm, 
line 100ish (search for 'my %wiki_options')

prefix => 'Display.html?Class='.$self->ArticleObj->ClassObj->id.'&Name='
         The prefix of any links. In HTML mode, this is the path to the 
Wiki. The actual linked item itself will be appended to the prefix. This is 
used to create full URIs. You        probably should not change this in RTFM.
extended => '1'
         A boolean flag to use extended linking semantics. Links are marked 
by square brackets. An optional title may occur after the link target, 
preceded by an open pipe.     That is to say, these are valid extended links:
                 [a valid link]
implicit_links => '1'
         A boolean flag to cause links to be created wherever a 
StudlyCapsString is seen. Note that if you disable this flag, you'll most 
likely be wanting to enable the        extended one also, or there will be 
no way of creating links in your documents.

WikiFormat Rules

I will do my best to cover all the rules of Text::WikiFormat. This list may 
be incomplete, so feel free to add/modify as seen fit. Please note, spaces 
matter in Wiki, if there is a space in the ruleset, odds are it is required 
in Wiki. Also note, many html commands work in WikiFormat; I will not cover 
many HTML rules.

Basic Text Rules:

<enter> Pressing enter will create a new line in the text
<space> Extra spaces are disregarded in Wiki, multiple spaces will yield 1 

= Headline =
            Text within the = will be printed much larger than normal, and 
will be colored
== Headline2 ==
            This is a smaller headline. === will create an even small headline
''' strong '''
            This will bold the text within the '''
'' emphasized ''
            This will italics the text within the ''
            This will create a line running the length of the screen.
            Used to create a newline


All lists must be preceded with 4 or more spaces, or a tab. Wiki support 
unordered and ordered lists.

Ordered List example:

1.     Item 1
2.     Item 2
a.     Subitem 1
b.     Subitem 2
3.     Item 3

Unordered List example:

            * Unordered Item 1
            * Unordered Item 2
            * Unordered Item 3

Forrest Stanley
NetBurner Inc.
fstanley at netburner.com
858-558-0293 x204
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