[rt-users] Removing content from client messages

Anne Wilson anne at unidata.ucar.edu
Tue Dec 14 19:45:59 EST 2004

Yeah, we can't do it before the ticket receiver sees it because that 
person needs the info for support purposes and also to identify any 
sensitive strings.

I guess what would be ideal would be if, once someone owns a ticket, 
after any further email from that client RT would somehow query the user 
to invoke the "sanitize" function.  (This is assuming no one would send 
us sensitive info in an initial contact.)  So, after each subsequent 
exchange with a client RT would ask "Sanitize?" and if the user said yes 
it would query for a string and sanitize it in the db.
Any idea how hard would it be to add such a hook to RT? (assuming we 
write the actual sanitizing code).


Rick Rezinas wrote:
> you can probably  in the mailgate script, unless you want the sensitive
> information visible to the person who receives the ticket initially but
> do not want it stored in the database, in which case you'll need to
> delve deeper.
> On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 16:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
>>Thanks Todd,
>>Yes, looks like it'll have to be through accessing the db directly.  We 
>>don't want to delete messages entirely because we want the history.
>>As I mentioned to Jason D., I think we'd have to write a tool that takes 
>>as input the string we want to sanitize.  The tricky part would be 
>>remembering to do that at the right time.  Would that be a function we 
>>could call from a scrip?  Or, would we have to get deeper into the code 
>>to call such a function at the "right time" from RT?

Anne Wilson			UCAR Unidata Program		
anne at unidata.ucar.edu		       P.O. Box 3000
               			  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server       http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/

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