Subject: [rt-users] RT-Crontab configuration
Joseph_Micciche at
Joseph_Micciche at
Tue Feb 17 11:20:02 EST 2004
> I am looking to have the priority of my
> tickets move from their origina priority at creation, twards their final
> priority at due date. I am guessing I will need to set up a dummy user
> perhaps) who is a member of the group rt, and have the rt-crontool
> at regular intervals, what I can't figure out are what options I would
> for rt-crontool. Any ideas?
We used the rt-escalate and rt-remind scripts avaialble on this page:
and simply added them to crontab.
# Crontab Entries for Request Tracker
# escalates the priority of open tickets daily
10 3 * * 1-5 /usr/local/rt3/utils/
# generates an email to ticket owners every day
# letting them know what tickets they still have open.
10 3 * * 1-5 /usr/local/rt3/utils/
# End Request Tracker
You can skip the remind script, but our folks seem to like it. :-)
Joe Micciche
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