[rt-users] rt-cvsgate - no 'Tag' data

John Jasen jjasen at realityfailure.org
Wed Feb 25 13:26:21 EST 2004

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Cerion Armour-Brown wrote:

> Hi
> I've just setup rt-cvsgate, but have a problem:
> I want the cvs 'Tag' written to the message, but $file->{'tag'} always returns 
> empty...
>  - I can't find much on the web that talks about the option 't' (for tags) in 
> the args %{Vvts}... most places just talk of %{sVv}
> Does anyone know how I can fix this?
> I realise I can also get the tag from the <STDIN> (at the mo, it's just thrown 
> away), but if someone knows how to 'enable' the 't' option, that'd be nicer.

To be honest, I think I did the last update to rt-cvsgate. After using it 
for a while, and specifically having problems with tags, I gave up and 
just scripted something to take it from stdin and mail it to 
rt at mydomain.com.

Sorry I can't be much more help on that.

-- John E. Jasen (jjasen at realityfailure.org)
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