[rt-users] HOWTO: installing RT3 on RH9 with PostgreSQL
Mike Panzitta
mpanzitta at peoplematter.com
Thu Jan 8 13:56:33 EST 2004
I know there has been considerable traffic on this in the past, and I
have struggled with it myself to get RT3 running on RedHat 9 using
PostgreSQL, Apache 2, and mod_perl2 (1.99). I've gotten the installation
to a point where it is repeatable, and here it is. Note that in the
prompts, the name of the machine I am installing to is "moe".
RedHat 9
- Firewall
- allow incoming WWW, SSH, DHCP, SMTP, 5432:tcp
- Packages (use these as minimum, only add additional necessary
- X Window System
- XFree86-xdm
- gdm
- redhat-config-xfree86
- Gnome Desktop Environment
[no packages selected]
- Editors
- Graphical Internet
- mozilla
- SQL Database Server
- Development Tools
- doxygen
Make sure that the system has been up2date'ed
Obtain the following RPMs from rpmfind.net or another source:
- apr-0.9.4-2.src.rpm
- apr-util-0.9.4-2.i386.rpm
- apr-util-devel-0.9.4-2.i386.rpm
- db4-4.1.25-12.i386.rpm
- httpd-2.0.47-10.i386.rpm
- httpd-devel-2.0.47-8.i386.rpm
- mod_perl-1.99_09-10.src.rpm
Using the RPMs from above, log in as root and run
[root at moe root]# rpm -i apr-0.9.4-2.src.rpm
[root at moe root]# rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/apr.spec
[root at moe root]# rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/apr-0.9.4-2.i386.rpm
apr-util-0.9.4-2.i386.rpm db4-4.1.25-12.i386.rpm
[root at moe root]# rpm -i
apr-util-devel-0.9.4-2.i386.rpm httpd-devel-2.0.47-8.i386.rpm
[root at moe root]# rpm -i mod_perl-1.99_09-10.src.rpm
[root at moe root]# rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/mod_perl.spec
[root at moe root]# rpm -i
Modify /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf as needed
Create /etc/httpd/conf.d/rt3.conf similar to this:
ServerName support.corp.peoplematter.com
DocumentRoot /usr/local/rt3/share/html
PerlSetVar MasonArgsMethod CGI
PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1/index.html
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /usr/local/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason
[root at moe root]# chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
[root at moe root]# chkconfig --level 345 postgresql on
[root at moe root]# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Modify /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf to allow TCP connections (and
any other mods you require)
Modify /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf to allow local access
[root at moe root]# /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
[root at moe root]# psql -U postgres template1
template1=# alter user postgres with encrypted password '<postgres
template1=# create user rt_user with encrypted password '<rt_user
template1=# \q
Unpack rt-3-0-8.tar.gz in /usr/local
As root, run
[root at moe root]# groupadd rt
[root at moe root]# cd /usr/local/rt-3-0-8
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rt3
--with-db-type=Pg --with-db-port=5432 --with-db-dba=postgres
--with-db-rt-pass=<rt_user password> --with-web-user=apache
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
<answer "yes" to manual configuration>
<hit Return at prompts until "Policy on building prerequisites"
<hit Return at prompts until "Select your continent" prompt for
<give appropriate answers for mirrors>
<hit Return at prompts until "cpan> " prompt>
install Bundle::CPAN
<hit Return at prompts until "cpan> " prompt>
reload cpan
<hit Return at prompts until "cpan> " prompt>
install Storable
<hit Return at prompts until "cpan> " prompt>
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# chmod 755 sbin/*
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# sbin/rt-test-dependencies --with-postgres
--with-modperl2 --install
<hit Return at remaining prompts>
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# sbin/rt-test-dependencies --with-postgres
--with-modperl2 --install
<hit Return at remaining prompts>
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# sbin/rt-test-dependencies --with-postgres
<make sure that all dependencies are met>
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# make install
[root at moe rt-3-0-8]# make initialize-database
Modify /usr/local/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm to your needs
Edit /usr/local/rt3/bin/webmux.pl and insert the following line before
line 37 (use lib...):
use Apache::compat;
[root at moe root]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
You can now install RTFM, add aliases/procmail for rt-mailgate, etc. I
hope this helps some RT users outthere; I know I have taken a lot from
this list, and this is my opportunity to give back to the community.
Dr. Michael J. Panzitta
VP, Technology
PeopleMatter, Inc.
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