[rt-users] httpd speed on rt3

Douglas E. Warner dwarner at ctinetworks.com
Wed Jan 21 12:46:17 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 21 January 2004 12:25, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> Ok. I think there's the thing that's taking the time. how long are the
> comments and correspondence? Are there attachments to the ticket?  I'm
> betting that you don't see such performance issues on shorter tickets.  
> This is a known issue with long tickets with a lot of attachment
> content, especially "binary" attachments that aren't displayed inline. A
> customer asked us to quote a fix for them. We've sent them the quote and
> are just waiting for them to decide whether or not to go for it. (It
> involves a bunch of changes to RT's core.)  Ruslan sent a draft of a
> possible fix to rt-devel as well, which may work for you.

I know there isn't any binary attachments in this ticket; it's all just ASCII 
correspondance and comments, and they're usually < 1k (they're only a 
Other tickets are a good bit faster (usually only 1-3 seconds);  I was just 
trying to figure out what was going on for a couple of these larger tickets.

- -Doug
- -- 
Douglas E. Warner    <dwarner at ctinetworks.com>     Network Engineer
CTI/PAdotNET         http://ctinetworks.com        +1 717 975 9000
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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