[rt-users] Splitting RT-Installation and rt-mailgate

Harald Kapper hk at kapper.net
Tue Jul 20 19:01:31 EDT 2004

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:38:49 -0400, Randy Oswald <dolphio at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hopefully that will help you some

I'd like to comment here that I still would suggest a local delivery
smtp-spool-process (like a dumb sendmail sitting on localhost) as _if_ something
in this fetchmail-using-rtmailgate-as-mail-transfer-agent situation fails
(especially rt-mailgate eg. not being able to talk to the rt-webapplication),
I'd not bet that delivery is being retried by fetchmail, but it definitely would
be retried by sendmail - just in case.

maybe someone can comment on fetchmail-behaviour in case of failure?


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