[rt-users] Empty Ticket Content

Odhiambo Washington wash at wananchi.com
Thu Jul 22 11:31:58 EDT 2004

Hello users,

I have upgraded from 2.0.15 to 3.2.1. I'll say it was flawless, unless I
messed up some template

Global scrip:
On Owner Change Notify Owner with template Transaction
Now when I 'Take' a ticket, I get notified, but there is no ticket
content. What I get says:


Wed Jul 21 16:32:11 2004: Request 33031 was acted upon.
Transaction: Taken by wash
       Queue: cs
     Subject: Fw: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
       Owner: wash 
  Requestors: OBFUSCATED at wananchi.com
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: http://rt.wananchi.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=33031 > 

This transaction appears to have no content
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - this is what I am having
a problem with. Why is it so?

Wrong scrip? Wrong template?? 

Help appreciated.

       - wash 
Odhiambo Washington                     . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)  |
<wash at wananchi dot com>              . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St.,  |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223                 . # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI             |
GSM: (+254) 733 744 121                 . (+254) 020 313 985 - 9             |
"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
						 --from a /. post

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