[rt-users] "No permission to create tickets in the queue 'Orders'" - RT then drops the message

Adolfo Santiago mailbag at anothernet.com
Sun Mar 14 12:09:49 EST 2004

When two messages with the same sender, a *new* non-privileged user in RT,
come in at the same time, only one makes it into the queue, while the other
just gets dropped.

We handle customer orders and always get two messages per order: one for the
order itself, the other for the payment (from the gateway, PayPal, etc).
Both of the messages  come with the same sender e-mail address, the
customer's.  The messages are collected in a remote account until Fetchmail
retrieves them and distributes them locally.

The problem seems to occur when Fetchmail hands Postfix the two messages.
Because Postfix is so fast, it hands both messages to rt-mailgate almost
simultaneously.  When the sender is the same for both messages, and the
sender is a new user (from RT's perspective), only one of the two messages
makes it into the Orders queue.  The other just disappears.  In the log, we
get this:

Mar 13 16:26:17 RTSRV RT: No permission to create tickets in the queue
'Orders' (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:678)
Mar 13 16:26:17 RTSRV RT: Create failed: 0 / 0 / No permission to create
tickets in the queue 'Orders'  (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:684)

The queue is setup correctly, with Everyone having ticket creation
privileges.  And it works fine most of the time.  But every once in a while,
this problem occurs.

Here are the basic facts:

RT 3.0.8
Perl 5.8.0
Apache 1.3.29
MySQL 3.23.58 (InnoDB)

I know I'm supposed to upgrade and I'm working on that.  But is this problem
really related to 3.0.8 running on MySQL 3.23.58?



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