[rt-users] Performance and responsetime in RT 3.0.10

Palle Girgensohn girgen at pingpong.net
Sun May 2 12:47:09 EDT 2004

--On söndag, maj 02, 2004 16.30.24 +0400 "Ruslan U. Zakirov" 
<cubic at acronis.ru> wrote:

> Preface:
> I run RT at home for tests on Duron600 with 196MB memory on
> A1/mp1/mysql4.0.x with >3GB DB 40k tickets, 15k users...
> and home page doesn't take much time to load about 3sec no more.
> Palle Girgensohn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have terrible response times, at least 6-7 seconds, often more,
>> sometimes enough to make fastcgi give up (max time set to 30 s).
> I have no experience with FCGI :(

I run Apache, and since each process snatched > 70 megs when running with 
mmod_perl, 10 apache processes soon ate 900 megs of RAM, the machine has 
about 800 MB, so it became very slow. Hence, I switched to fastcgi and just 
run one process for now. This was a major speedup.

>> Please note that this is *not* mainly a problem with the database, it is
>> more or less *only* perl that uses the CPU. My guess is you will get the
>> same results if you check using e.g. top. I just checked logging in to
>> our RT, and the after hitting the login button with my credentials typed
>> in, it took approx 25 seconds to load the "Home" page. Hitting "Home"
>> again loads the page in about 6-7 seconds, since things are cached in
>> the session, I guess... Anyway, checking the database log, of the 25
>> seconds spent only 3.5 s where spent running database queries. Top shows
>> about 15% load on postgresql and 100% load on perl (2 CPUs, remember).
>> Nothing else loads the machine.
> `top` isn't good method to analize perfomance and it doesn't show real
> situation.

That it quite true, but for procs running for some time, it does give you a 
good clue, esp on FreeBSD where it does not eat cycles the way I've seen on 
some other systems.

> Could you send full DB report for one request to home page?

enclosed is all db queries with milliseconds duration, sorted on duration. 
Total sum at the bottom. In "Comma Separated Values" format.

> Did you try MasonX::Profiler, RT_Config:

Nope, but I could. What kind of parameters would I use?

># @MasonParameters is the list of parameters for the constructor of
># HTML::Mason's Apache or CGI Handler.  This is normally only useful
># for debugging, eg. profiling individual components with
>#     (preamble => 'my $p = MasonX::Profiler->new($m, $r);');
> @MasonParameters = () unless (@MasonParameters);
>> We don't have a very fancy machine, which might explain the slowness to
>> a certain degree. Two 450 MHz P3s.
> I wrote test machine specs which run RT for me at home.
>> One thing about the postgresql queries is bad, there's a mail thread
>> about this a while back, but I believe it is postgresql specific - the
>> SearchBuilder uses lower() on IDs, so indices are not used. Still only
>> 10-15 % of the time is spent in the database, so there is something
>> else, something in the perl code.
> Does DBIx::SB use 'lower' for you? May be ILIKE, because this fix to SB
> only in latest SVN and not in 0.99v as I remember.
> In Pg you can create index on lower(column). iirc Pg schema on RT SVN
> allready modified.

Main point is that there is a bug where it wants to use ILIKE for primary 
key and ID:s, and this is not very clever. Jesse admitted that this was 
wrong, but I have no idea how to fix it. It bumps queries from 10 ms to 30 
ms, it is not really a big deal.


>> I've had this discussion a few times before on the list, but I'm not
>> sure there is any way to fix this? Perhaps it is just the design of RT?
>> Hopefully throwing faster hardware at RT will help, but it is a pity.
>> I have FreeBSD 4.9, Postgresql-7.4.2, Perl 5.8.3, RT 3.0.10
>> /Palle
>> --On fredag, april 30, 2004 14.13.32 +0200 Hilde Therese Lauvset
>> <Hilde.Lauvset at cc.uit.no> wrote:
>>>   _____
>>> Fra: Hilde Therese Lauvset
>>> Sendt: 30. april 2004 14:07
>>> Til: 'rt-users at bestpractical.com'
>>> Emne: Performance and responsetime in RT 3.0.10
>>> Hi,
>>> We think RT's response time is very low. It take about 6-7 seconds to
>>> load a new page every time. I was wondering if anybody has the same
>>> response time; better or worse. I have tried to do some research on how
>>> to better the performance and has done a few changes, but with no luck.
>>> Is there an idea to use indexing in the mysql database? Or isn't the
>>> database a problem at all?
>>> If anyone has an idea of what we can do, so please give us a hint.
>>> Here are our settings:
>>> Machine: 2 CPU with 1 GHz and 1 GB RAM
>>> RT-3.0.10
>>> Apache 2.0
>>> Fastcgi 2.4.2
>>> Mysql 4
>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>> httpd.conf:
>>> LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.so
>>> AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
>>> FastCgiServer /opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
>>> NameVirtualHost xxx.xxx.x.x:80
>>> <VirtualHost xxx.xxx.x.x:80>
>>>         ScriptAlias / /opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi/
>>>         ServerName blabla
>>>         DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
>>>         AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>>> </VirtualHost>
>>> # hack to fix graphics with fastcgi
>>> NameVirtualHost xxx.xxx.x.x:81
>>> <VirtualHost xxx.xx.x.x:81>
>>>         DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/images
>>> </VirtualHost>
>>> PerlSetVar MasonCodeCacheMaxSize 20000000
>>> PerlSetVar MasonStaticSource 1
>>> If you find something strange in my httpd.conf file please tell me :-)
>>> Hilde Therese
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