[rt-users] rt-mailgate problem with rt-3.0.10 / SuSE 9.1

Charles Smith charon at cyc.com
Wed May 12 12:10:20 EDT 2004

No, I am running postfix-2.0.19. I was running postfix with RT before
the upgrade too, with the exact same mail settings. 


On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 19:34, Erik Boles wrote:
> Charles,
> Are you running sendmail?  If so, do you have soft link in the /etc/smrsh
> directory for the rt-mailgate?
> This isn't the exact error that I got with that problem, but the 500 EOF was
> definitely in there along with some other stuff.
> Remember that Sendmail smrsh runs caged.
> Erik
> On 5/11/04 6:22 PM, "charon at cyc.com" <charon at cyc.com>, emailed the
> following:
> > So here's the deal:
> > 
> > I just upgraded both RT and SuSE at the same time, from 3.0.07 and 9.0
> > to 3.0.10 and 9.1 respectively. I also went from apache 1.3x to apache 2
> > (apache1 no longer comes with SuSE as of 9.1)
> > 
> > Anyway, it worked before I upgraded. Now, the WebUI works just fine, but
> > any emails that hit rt-mailgate generate this error message:
> > 
> > An Error Occurred
> > =================
> > 
> > 500 EOF
> > 
> > It doesn't matter whether it goes through postfix, or whether I call it
> > on the command line manually, it still says the same thing (i.e. It's
> > not a delivery or alias issue).
> > 
> > I only saw one other post in the archives with this error message, and
> > it mentioned the permissions on the var/mason_data/cache directory, but
> > I have checked that and other directories, and they all seem to have the
> > correct permissions. I gave the configure script the new user/group for
> > apache2 before running the "make upgrade" and it seems to have worked as
> > designed.
> > 
> > I can only figure this is some kind of apache or Mason configuration
> > problem? Not sure. All perl modules are completely up to date.
> > 
> > Any help someone could give would be appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -Charles
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> > http://lists.bestpractical.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rt-users
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> > RT Developer and Administrator training is coming to LA, DC and Frankfurt
> > this spring and summer.
> > http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html
> > 
> > Sign up early, as class space is limited.
> > 

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