[rt-users] Only super-user can see something after logon to RT, no one else.

Senoner Samuel Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu
Thu May 13 12:47:21 EDT 2004

It happened also once to me about blank pages.
I already had a user, that was added as watcher, and had his username and mail the same.
Es he did a log in to the web interface, my system did an LDAP lookup and wanted to create a new user with the same mail address
There is no error output, but the user can't be created, so the page display is not processed.... And you get a blank page.

I don't know if it's a problem in core RT or our import user info using LDAP, perhaps half half.... So anyway,
As soon I have time i will post my patch, but if somebody other has an idea....



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