[rt-users] Only super-user can see something after logon to RT, no one else.

David Michal david.michal at rabatcr.cz
Fri May 14 08:57:03 EDT 2004

Thanks for your reply. I thought that RT doesn't have any LDAP support. 
That it just can take user name from apache, which is doing ldap lookup.
And then I thought that RT is looking if there is a user in 
DBbackend(MySQL in my case) and if not and parameter WebExternalAuto is 
true only then is trying to create the user. So if there is user already 
exists why it should stop on user creating procedure? (I'm not a 
programmer so please excuse if my thinking is bad).
I've didn't  try the Ldap Overlay plugin, becuase the link 
http://thefeed.no/marcus/User_Overlay.ldap.pm is not working and I could 
not find it. But I guess that auth via apache is quite enough for now. 
Just to need to find any way how user can see their RT in browser. :)

Senoner Samuel napsal(a):

>It happened also once to me about blank pages.
>I already had a user, that was added as watcher, and had his username and mail the same.
>Es he did a log in to the web interface, my system did an LDAP lookup and wanted to create a new user with the same mail address
>There is no error output, but the user can't be created, so the page display is not processed.... And you get a blank page.
>I don't know if it's a problem in core RT or our import user info using LDAP, perhaps half half.... So anyway,
>As soon I have time i will post my patch, but if somebody other has an idea....

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