[rt-users] rt3 bug: transaction order in Bulk.html

Dirk Pape pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu May 27 06:17:15 EDT 2004

Hello Jesse,

--Am Montag, 29. März 2004 9:31 Uhr +0200 schrieb Dirk Pape 
<pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de>:

> if you resolve a ticket *and* write a correspondance with the
> search/Bulk.html page, then you get:
> 1. Ticket resolve
> 2. Correspondance added
> 3. Ticket auto opened
> this is different than in the standard Ticket/Update.html where you get
> 1. Correspondance added
> 2. Ticket resolved
> Latter is the thing I expect, So I changed the creation order of
> transactions in Bulk.html to be consistent with Update.html.

I Dont see this bug fixed in 3.0.11:

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