[rt-users] Retrieving mail from Outlook Server

Sebastian Flothow lists at flothow.de
Fri May 28 07:13:26 EDT 2004

Am 27. Mai 2004 um 16:56 Uhr schrieb Brett Barnhart:
> Doing as you suggest does indeed create a ticket, which
> suggests that rt-mailgate is OK.

Does it provide any interesting output?

> Is there someway to debug rt-mailgate when used with Fetchmail as you 
> do
> below?

You can add the --debug option to the rt-mailgate call in 
rt-mailgate.conf and see if you get more useful output when running 

Otherwise, you could have fetchmail output the retrieved message to a 
file, which you can examine afterwards.


Sebastian Flothow
sebastian at flothow.de

Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 > Why is top posting frowned upon?

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