[rt-users] Extremely Slow Load

Stan rt at vtwireless.com
Sun Nov 28 13:46:10 EST 2004

I have a ticket  with say a dozen attachments, totallying ~300k.  To 
refers to three other tickets.  It has perhaps 60 entries on it of 
correspondance back and forth about an issue, including Dell machine 
quites, network topology (cisco configs) etc.  Here is the output from 

=Mason= -             /Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory }}} 37.3351
=Mason= -     /autohandler }}} 44.7194
=Mason= - /Ticket/Display.html }}} ENDS

Does 44 seconds to load this ticket seem completely out there?  This is 
a 2.2 gig P4, 512mb ram, MySQL innodb with a modified mysql-large 
config, deticated apache 1.3 install w/ mod_perl...

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