[rt-users] Scrips not visable in configuration

Todd Chapman rt at chaka.net
Mon Oct 4 10:59:29 EDT 2004

Yes, you change the description. I don't know why your scrips
don't display. I was just letting you know that default scrips
having no description is normal.


On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 05:20:41PM +0200, Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:
> Todd Chapman wrote:
> >RT's default scips ship with no descriptions.
> >
> >On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 11:19:13AM +0200, Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>Hello!
> >>When I click on global and scrips, no scrips are displayed, this even 
> >>though I am superuser.
> >>Someone on this list suggested that I should turn on SQL-logging and 
> >>supply the SQLstatement that RT runs.
> >>I think I have figured out what the problem is, when I run this query by 
> >>hand in mysql
> >>mysql> select id,Description,Queue from Scrips where Queue='0';
> >>+----+-------------+-------+
> >>| id | Description | Queue |
> >>+----+-------------+-------+
> >>|  1 | NULL        |     0 |
> >>|  2 | NULL        |     0 |
> >>|  3 | NULL        |     0 |
> >>|  6 | NULL        |     0 |
> >>|  7 | NULL        |     0 |
> >>|  9 | NULL        |     0 |
> >>+----+-------------+-------+
> >>6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> >>this is not very unlike the query RT runs3 which looks like SELECT 
> >>main.* FROM Scrips main   WHERE ((main.Queue = '0'))
> >>Could it be that the thing that is displayed when configuring is the 
> >>Description (it seems logical) and when it is NULL in the databases, 
> >>NULL is displayed eg. nothing is displayed.
> >>So my questions are:
> >>Is it safe to just add a description to a existing scrip?
> >>Can someone do select id,Description,Queue from Scrips where Queue='0'; 
> >>so I know what to name them?
> >>Comments?
> >>/nisse
> >>
> >>-- 
> >><+--//  							\\--+>
> >>	       Datorcentralen Luelå tekniska universitet	  
> >>	Name:	Nils-Erik Svangård	e-mail:	nisse at dc.ltu.se	  
> >>	Ph:	+46-920-49244		URL:http://www.dc.ltu.se  
> >><+--\\							 //--+>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>http://lists.bestpractical.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rt-users
> >>
> >>Be sure to check out the RT wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com
> >>   
> >>
> So I cant change them?
> I have the same problem with the Templates.
> How can I edit the default template if its not displayed?
> /nisse
> -- 
> <+--//  							\\--+>
> 	       Datorcentralen Luelå tekniska universitet	  
> 	Name:	Nils-Erik Svangård	e-mail:	nisse at dc.ltu.se	  
> 	Ph:	+46-920-49244		URL:http://www.dc.ltu.se  
> <+--\\								//--+>

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