[rt-users] RTx::Shredder Questions

Ruslan U. Zakirov Ruslan.Zakirov at acronis.com
Fri Oct 8 00:46:34 EDT 2004

Adolfo Santiago wrote:
> One more question, if I may...  What does this mean?
> [Thu Oct  7 21:58:00 2004] [crit]: Trying to check RT::Ticket rights for an
> unspecified RT::Ticket (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Principal_Overlay.pm:355)
Not expected error, but can't debug without log records around it.
Cat & send records near it from one [warning]: RT::Ticket-XXX deleted 
... to another, block should contain this error.

> I've received a couple of these while running the rtx-shredder script.
> Thanks!

Working on dumps of deleted data. So you would be able to restore data 
on real errors.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ruslan U. Zakirov [mailto:Ruslan.Zakirov at acronis.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:15 PM
>>To: Adolfo Santiago
>>Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
>>Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTx::Shredder Questions
>>Adolfo Santiago wrote:
>>>OK!  Reporting...
>>>1.  Applying the patch generated the following reject file (which you
>>>requested I ignore but I'm putting here just in case):
>>Expected result. I _did_ checked that you can ignore it.
>>>2.  The script seems to work just fine.  I ran it once and it
>>told me the
>>>number of tickets (3 in this case).  I answered "y" to delete
>>them and it
>>>created a bunch of entries in the logs.  Then I reran the
>>script with the
>>>same date and it said "Tickets list is empty."  So, I think we are good!
>>>3.  WOW!!  Deleting 3 tickets generated 583 lines in the log file!!
>>>Deleting ~450 tickets generated 10207 log lines.
>>this mean that script has deleted 583 and 10207 records in DB.
>>How large that tickets was? Number of transactions, Attachements? Could
>>you send me log from first run(which is 583 lines and off list)? Just
>>want to look on it.
>>>4.  Bottom line: it seems to be working!!
>>>5.  Just out of curiosity, what are all these entries in the
>>log that I see?
>>>I can understand "Attachment" and "Ticket", but what are "Transaction",
>>>"Group", "CachedGroupMember", etc?
>>Read http://wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?DatabaseAdmin
>>There is description how to delete tickets at the end. Original author
>>describe most transparent things, but read my notes and you understand
>>why RTx::Shredder deletes records in Groups, GroupMembers,
>>CachedGroupMembers, ACL, Principals, Links...
>>>Be sure to check out the RT wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com
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