[rt-users] going back to queue page?

Matthew Cheale say_ten at multiplay.co.uk
Fri Oct 8 04:12:52 EDT 2004

"Fundamentally wrong" is completetly the wrong phrase to use.  There's nothing 
fundamentally wrong with it, just a bit late when I wrote the e-mail.  However 
it does appear that it's either not getting set in places or read in places. 
For example, there's the Search/Results.html thing where it wasn't reading the 
session variable back in.  However I also get the stored ticket list get's stuck 
if I've been inactive for a while.  I click the queue from the home page and the 
next and prev buttons aren't there as the ticket list session is not matching 
the search results.

I don't know if somethings changed within the Apache::Session module or not, as 
I do have 1.6 installed, later than the requirements.

Jesse Vincent wrote:

>>I think there's something fundamentally wrong with the session handling 
>>however and I'm sure fixes will make their way into the release.
> Hm? Want to clarify that a bit?
> Jesse

With regards,


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