[rt-users] patches ported from 3.0.11 to 3.2.0

Dirk Pape pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 2 02:36:59 EDT 2004

Hello Danie,

--Am Mittwoch, 1. September 2004 14:49 Uhr +0200 schrieb Danie Marais 
<danie.marais at attix5.com>:

> I tried to apply your silently resolve patch on 3.2.1 but got an error:
> [root at mail rt3]# patch -p0 < silently_resolve.patch.txt
> patching file lib/RT/Queue_Overlay.pm
> Hunk #1 succeeded at 53 (offset 2 lines).
> patching file lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm
> patch: **** malformed patch at line 22: edDependencies) {

how did you download the path? I am quite sure that you have a line break 
in line 22 which is longer than 80 characters. The line break is not in the 
file, so it must have been introduced by any processing you did (in a text 
editor, copy-paste??). Try to redownload the path file by using the 
function of your browser to download it as a file (e.g. contextual menu).


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