[rt-users] RT-Win32 3.0.12-rc1 calls for testing

Autrijus Tang autrijus at autrijus.org
Fri Sep 17 13:31:12 EDT 2004

Just a quick note to say that RC2 have been released:

    SIZE: 2006797 | MD5: 32c0ab4786ece947f24b007f42f691cc 

Note that the "rc2" refers to the Win32 port, not the base RT
version; this is based on the RT 3.0.12-final release.

Compared to RC1 following things were changed:

* Perl 5.8.5-3
    - Includes the latest DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.12_01 on CPAN
    - Recompiled mod_perl2 and libapreq2 against latest httpd source,
      which should result in better performance and memory usage.

* TabbedUI is made RESTy by always returning a redirect after a POST.

* Unbreak CustomFieldValue editing interface in TabbedUI.

* An empty Workflow now no longer create redundant "BEGIN" approval tickets.

* The RT log at winrt/rt.log is tidied up a bit; if you still find it too
  volumous, try changing the LogLevel in http://localhost:8284/Edit/Global/
  and restart the "Request Tracker" service.

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