[rt-users] Apache Auth, mailgate problems!!

Nils-Erik Svangård nisse at dc.ltu.se
Tue Sep 21 03:50:07 EDT 2004

I was doing a upgrade of our RT (2.0.15) to RT3.2.1. I have set up 
everything and all seems to work.
The problem I'm having now, is that the place where RT resides requires 
LDAP authentication. It seems that rt-mailgate requires access to the 
webpage. How do I fix this? No mail is delivered to RT3 due to the LDAP 
auth. All authentication is handled by apache.


<+--//  							\\--+>
	       Datorcentralen Luelå tekniska universitet	  
	Name:	Nils-Erik Svangård	e-mail:	nisse at dc.ltu.se	  
	Ph:	+46-920-49244		URL:http://www.dc.ltu.se  
<+--\\								//--+>

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