[rt-users] RT 3.0.10 -> 3.0.12 upgrade; bug introduced

Ben Goodwin ben at atomicmatrix.net
Sun Sep 26 11:54:43 EDT 2004

A fresh install of RT 3.0.12 on FC2 with perl 5.8.3 and SB 1.11 results in
the same problem:

SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Tickets main , Transactions Transactions_1,
Attachments Attachments_2  WHERE ((main.EffectiveId = main.id)) AND
((main.Status != 'deleted')) AND ((main.Type = 'ticket')) AND ( (  (
(Attachments_2.TransactionId = Transactions_1.id)AND(main.id =
Transactions_1.Ticket)(Attachments_2.Created > '2004-09-17 15:22:50') ) AND
( (Attachments_2.TransactionId = Transactions_1.id)AND(main.id =
Transactions_1.Ticket)AND(Attachments_2.Created < '2004-09-26 23:59:59') )
) );

It's missing an AND up there - between the "main" clause and my "search"
clause it seems.  This problem doesn't show up with LimitStarts() - possibly
because it's dealing with tickets instead of transactions.

Can someone help me with this?  Thanks,

	-=| Ben

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