[rt-users] RT returns two autoreplies but with diffren message-ID

Nils-Erik Svangård nisse at dc.ltu.se
Thu Sep 30 02:53:09 EDT 2004

Dimitry Faynerman wrote:

>Maybe you have two autoreply scrips?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Nils-Erik Svang蚌d
>Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 2:44 PM
>To: RT
>Subject: [rt-users] RT returns two autoreplies but with diffren message-ID
>I lost, I dont know what the problem is.
>When someone send a mail to RT, RT creates one ticket and returns two 
>autoreplies with diffrent message-ids.
>Does anyone have any idea whats the problem?
mysql> select id,Queue,Template,ScripAction,Description from Scrips;
| id | Queue | Template | ScripAction | 
|  1 |     0 |        1 |          17 | 
|  2 |     0 |        3 |           4 | 
|  3 |     0 |        2 |           1 | 
|  6 |     0 |        5 |          10 | 
|  7 |     0 |        5 |          14 | 
|  9 |     0 |        5 |          13 | 
| 11 |     2 |        9 |           4 | When an approval ticket is 
created, notify the Owner and AdminCc of the item awaiting their approval |
| 12 |     2 |       12 |          15 | If an approval is rejected, 
reject the original and delete pending approvals                         |
| 13 |     2 |       10 |          15 | When a ticket has been approved 
by any approver, add correspondence to the original ticket           |
| 14 |     2 |       11 |          15 | When a ticket has been approved 
by all approvers, add correspondence to the original ticket          |
| 17 |     0 |        5 |          10 | Imported from RT 
| 18 |     3 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
| 19 |     5 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
| 20 |    10 |        2 |           1 | Imported from RT 
| 21 |    14 |        2 |           1 | Imported from RT 
| 22 |    18 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
| 23 |    20 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
| 24 |    21 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
| 25 |    23 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
| 26 |    24 |        3 |           4 | Imported from RT 
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select id,Name,Queue,Type from Templates;
| id | Name                 | Queue | Type |
|  1 | Blank                |     0 | NULL |
|  2 | Autoreply            |     0 | NULL |
|  3 | Transaction          |     0 | NULL |
|  4 | Admin Correspondence |     0 | NULL |
|  5 | Correspondence       |     0 | NULL |
|  6 | Admin Comment        |     0 | NULL |
|  7 | Status Change        |     0 | NULL |
|  8 | Resolved             |     0 | NULL |
|  9 | New Pending Approval |     2 | NULL |
| 10 | Approval Passed      |     2 | NULL |
| 11 | All Approvals Passed |     2 | NULL |
| 12 | Approval Rejected    |     2 | NULL |
12 rows in set (0.01 sec)

This is how scrips and templates look like, I dont think I have two 
Autoreply scrips. None of theese scrips and templates appear when I try 
to edit them in RT.

<+--//  							\\--+>
	       Datorcentralen Luelå tekniska universitet	  
	Name:	Nils-Erik Svangård	e-mail:	nisse at dc.ltu.se	  
	Ph:	+46-920-49244		URL:http://www.dc.ltu.se  
<+--\\								//--+>

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