[rt-users] (no subject)

Andrew Xenides andrew at staff.esc.net.au
Tue Apr 5 02:09:16 EDT 2005

we rebooted the rt server and now get this error when trying to bring up the
login screen
any ideas?
error: 	 RT Couldn't write to session directory '/opt/rt3/var/session_data':
Died at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Apache/Session/Generate/MD5.pm
line 40.

. Check that this dir ectory's permissions are correct. at
/opt/rt3/share/html/Elements/SetupSessionCookie line 89.
85: 	 };	
86: 	 undef $cookies{$cookiename};	
87: 	 }	
88: 	 else {	
89: 	 die "RT Couldn't write to session directory '$RT::MasonSessionDir':
$@. Check that this dir ectory's permissions are correct.";	
90: 	 }	
91: 	 }	
93: 	 if ( !$cookies{$cookiename} ) {	
code stack: 	 /opt/rt3/share/html/Elements/SetupSessionCookie:89

Andrew Xenides
Web Developer
465 South Road
Keswick SA 5035
T: (08) 8292 5200
F: (08) 8292 5299
E: andrew at staff.esc.net.au
W: http://www.esc.net.au

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