[rt-users] SelectOwner Extremely slow

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Apr 6 12:29:13 EDT 2005

> There was some discussion of this on the list a month or so back - it 
> seemed to me this had slowed down considerably in the 3.4 releases. 

And I thought that I'd committed a patch in the rc series that had
improved it wildly. I'll go digging later, if nobody beats me to it.

> Our 
> solution has been to replace the drop-down list with a text input field. 
> From a usability standpoint it seemed easier to type in part of a username 
> than to pick from a very long list.
> Steve
> Stephen Turner
> Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
> MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)
> sturner at mit.edu
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