[rt-users] 10 newest unowned tickets... bug?

Russell Mosemann mose at ns.cune.edu
Thu Apr 7 08:47:50 EDT 2005

On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Tim Bishop wrote:

> The 10 newest unowned tickets panel shows the 10 newest unowned tickets
> across all queues, but only those for queues which you have the right to
> see?

but only for those queues for which you have the ShowTicket right.

> Rather than the 10 newest unowned tickets on queues which you have the
> right to see.

That's basically what you said above.

Russell Mosemann, Ph.D. * Computing Services * Concordia University, Nebraska
"Did you hear about the little devil who got run over by a lawn mower?
 He went to the local liquor store because he heard they retailed spirits."

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