[rt-users] RTFM System Errors

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 7 15:02:00 EDT 2005


I'm looking at RTFM (v 2.0.4) with RT 3.4.1 and I'm getting an obscure 
error on the RTFM side of things. This is happening in two different RT 

- Linux, modperl, Oracle, perl 5.8.3
- Solaris, modperl, mysql, perl 5.8.3

After I start the web server, everything looks good until I choose 
something like RTFM->Config->Classes: I get this error -

RT::FM::Class::CurrentUserHasRight Unimplemented in 
RT::FM::ClassCollection. (/var/rt3/lib/RT/FM/ClassCollection_Overlay.pm 
line 21)

After that, pretty much everything I try to do in RTFM gives a similar 
error, even stuff I was able to do before the first occurrence of the above 

- RTFM->Config->Classes->NewClass gives:
RT::FM::Class::_Value Unimplemented in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record. 
(/var/local/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 426)

- RTFM->Overview gives:
RT::FM::Article::CurrentUserHasRight Unimplemented in 
RT::FM::ArticleCollection. (/var/rt3/lib/RT/FM/ArticleCollection_Overlay.pm 
line 38

etc, etc.

At this point everything still works fine on the RT side of the house.

Also, once the errors begin, if I use a different browser, I get the same 
errors occurring in the same situations - so the problem doesn't appear to 
be session related.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Is anyone out there using this combination of RT & RTFM?


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)

sturner at mit.edu

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