[rt-users] changing $rtname

Duncan Hutty dhutty+rt at ece.cmu.edu
Fri Apr 8 10:17:31 EDT 2005

Unwittingly, I set the string $rtname in RT_SiteConfig.pm to be too 
long. I didn't realise that it would be used in the subject lines 
(although it seems fairly obvious in hindsight). Therefore many of the 
users will only be able to see that string in their subject line at 80 
columns. The ticket number and ticket subject which are of course the 
interesting data are truncated out of sight.

According to the comment, if I change it, mail for existing tickets 
won't get put in the right place. Could anyone suggest a workaround or a 
modification to change how this string is used?

Duncan Hutty
System Administrator, ECE
Carnegie Mellon University

Please use informative subject lines

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