[rt-users] Mysql -> Postgres

Jon Daley bestpractical at daley.snurgle.org
Tue Apr 12 13:11:14 EDT 2005

 	Yeah, I saw that about 1.40.  I am pretty sure that I have 1.32. 
Am I looking in the right place:
/usr/lib/perl5/DBD/Pg.pm, line 15:

$DBD::Pg::VERSION = '1.32';

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> They're there.  I had it on Pg as well.  Your DBD::Pg is 1.40, which
> won't work.  1.41 might, 1.32 definitely will.  Either upgrade or
> downgrade.  If you're already *running* 1.41, let us know, cause that
> means they haven't fixed it yet.
> Switch out the module, zap the databases, and restart the install.

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