[rt-users] Queue Ownership

Raed El - Hames r at elhames.co.uk
Tue Apr 12 18:10:49 EDT 2005

Have a scrip action on each queue, where on condition:create ticket, the
user defined action is to change ownership to your user:
ie for erol-rt queue, set up the following scrip:
Condition:On Create
Action:User defined
Custom action cleanup code: $self->TicketObj->SetOwner('erol');
Template : blank

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "erol" <erol at samurai.com>
To: <rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:26 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Queue Ownership

> Greetings RT Users,
> I've been setting up RT and all has gone well. Though I am missing
> something as it relates to  Queue and ticket ownership.
> Currently I've got 13 users and one queue for each user. I've
> setup user-rt at domain.tld address to submit tickets via email. Is
> there a way to make RT assign ownership of a ticket to a specific user
> based on the queue it is being submitted to?
> For example:
> I submit a ticket to erol-rt at domain.tld , I want that ticket to be
> owned by erol in the queue erol.
> I've gone through the doc's and google but nothing is leaping out
> at me. Any ideas? or am I out to lunch?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> erol
> erol at samurai.com
> "Life is a tragic comedy. If you can't laugh, you must cry. I prefer to
> -- G. Graffin
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