[rt-users] RE: How are attachments handled in RT?

Labonte, Phil phil.labonte at transcore.com
Thu Apr 14 17:12:34 EDT 2005

I mean where are the actual files saved to?

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephane Bortzmeyer [mailto:bortzmeyer at nic.fr] 
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:32 PM
To: Labonte, Phil
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: How are attachments handled in RT?

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 02:12:12PM -0400,
 Labonte, Phil <phil.labonte at transcore.com> wrote 
 a message of 17 lines which said:

> If I look at the path from RT (when I look at the link), I cannot
> find the file on the RT server.

It is in the database (SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE filename LIKE
'%.pdf' for instance...)


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