[rt-users] Impossible to create a new ticket with attachement as unprivileged user ???!!

Hugues Lepesant hlepesant at veepee.com
Tue Apr 19 07:17:18 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I still have this problem.
And I don't know how to resolve it.
I've made many test changing the right on queue, or group, or in Global.
But my unprivileged users can't create new ticket with attachements.
The can add it doing a reply on the just created ticket.

The privileged user can create ticket wit attachement withour any error.

Do you have any idea from where it could come, or a links where I can 
found help, or anything else it's a real blocking problem for us.

Best regards.

Hugues Lepesant

Hugues Lepesant a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I post one more time because I didn't solve my problem.
> I use RT 3.4.1 installed from source (from 3.2.2 with upgrade to 3.4.1) 
> with Apache 1.3 and Mysql 4 on Debian.
> And user in RT can't create new ticket with attachement.
> When he does he have this error, and I have nothing in the log.
> "Update type was neither correspondence nor comment"
> The ticket is created but without it's attachement.
> Only root (with Superuser's right) can create a ticket with attachement.
> I've just done a fresh install of RT 3.4.1 with PostgreSQL database, and 
> Apache2 on Debian, and I still have this problem.
> The Global -> GroupRights -> Unprivileged right are :
>   - CreateTicket
>   - ReplyToTicket
>   - SeeQueue
>   - ShowTicket
> The Queues -> GroupRights -> Unprivileged right are :
>   - ModifyTicket
> Any help is welcome.
> Best regards,
> Hugues Lepesant
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