[rt-users] MyRequest with RT 3.4.1

Patrick Farley zbigniew at starpower.net
Tue Apr 26 22:45:28 EDT 2005

Question #1

MyRequest display's "10 newest unowned tickets".  Which is useful, but 
how do I display the tickets that I requested?
By default I can see tickets that I own and tickets that are unowned, 
but I can't see tickets that I created without creating a query.

Seems to me MyRequest is kinda mis-named.

Question #2

Is there a way to create a a different display for my IT Staff and the 
general users?  For example I want my IT Staff to see MyTickets and 
MyRequest, but I don't want my users seeing MyTickets and MyRequest.  
I'd prefer to allow them to just see the tickets they created.

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