[rt-users] About halfway getting RT on Mac OS X server

josh josh at saratoga.lib.ny.us
Tue Feb 8 11:07:16 EST 2005

I apologize as most of this is about Mac OS X and very little about RT
installs. I think I resolved the perl issues, and I think I can
resolve the mail issues. I'm not sure about my mod_perl/apache
issues. Basically, I need to know if I can simply compile an alternate
mod_perl and use it with the supplied version of Apache (1.3.33) that is
current on the Xserve software or if I need to run two httpd processes
(which may be too much for me).

I think I'm about Halfway as far as working out the procedure for
getting Mac OS X server and RT to cooperate. (This on a test server --
will see what happens when I go into production.)

My first realization came from a suggestion that I use the Darwinports
package to get some of the software needed. I had to create a separate
user, so that I could isolate the separate perl installations. I use
Fink and Fink is tied to the system perl, though it does install a
library of Perl modules, it always uses the same version of perl. I
created the separate user so that I could do the installation of the
second perl as that user and use cpan as that user by having the
darwinports path (/opt/local/bin) first in that users path.

The version of MySQL that comes with Xserver seems current enough.

While postfix isn't sendmail, and I will probably need some help, it
doesn't look as though it will create problems.

So can I use the built in Apache Server or not? Is it possible to
simply replace the module used by the RT web site?.

Josh Kuperman                       
josh at saratoga.lib.ny.us

PS I'm still hoping that Apple releases tiger soon and dramatically upgrades
their perl when they do.

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