[rt-users] On resolve create tickets with approvals problem

Barnacle Bob barnaclebob at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 10:32:53 EST 2005

Hello all,  i have found a couple other references to this problem,
but no resolution, which i have attached as txt files.  This may
actually be a bug.  I am having trouble getting a script to create a
ticket on an approval resolution.

setup: is redhat 7.3, mysql 4.1.9, Apache/2.0.52, mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4,
perl v5.8.3, rt 3.2.2

Script:  On Resolve Create Tickets using TransNextStep

Template TransNextStep:
===Create-Ticket: aticket
Queue: TransWork
Owner: KPietri
    my $requestors=$Tickets{"TOP"}->Requestors;
    my @emails=$requestors->MemberEmailAddresses();
    foreach $item(@emails){
        $out.="Requestor: ".$item."\n";
Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}
Refers-To: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}
Subject: Approval for ticket: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id} - {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject}
Content-Type: text/plain

Transportation Request Form
Type:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Vehicle type'));}
{sprintf("%-32s%s\r\n","Date Of
Trip:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Date of Trip'));}
Time:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Departure Time'));}
{sprintf("%-32s%s\r\n","Destination Departure
Time:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Destination Departure Time'));}
{sprintf("%-32s%s\r\n","Return Time to
School:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Return Time to School'));}
{sprintf("%-32s%s\r\n","Number Of
Students",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Number of Students'));}
{sprintf("%-32s%s\r\n","Number Of
Adults:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Number of Adults'));}
{sprintf("%-32s%s\r\n","Account to
Charge:",$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Account to Charge'));}


Now i understand this template has a bunch of bugs in it but that isnt
the problem i have also done the exact same testing with this simpler
template which produces the same results:

===Create-Ticket: aticket
Queue: TransWork
Owner: KPietri
    my $requestors=$Tickets{"TOP"}->Requestors;
    my @emails=$requestors->MemberEmailAddresses();
    foreach $item(@emails){
        $out.="Requestor: ".$item."\r\n";
Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}
Refers-To: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}
Subject: Approval for ticket: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id} - {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject}
Content-Type: text/plain

Transportation Request Form


now the problem is is that it seems the script only runs half way when
the type of ticket triggering it is a approval.  When i use a regular
ticket in this queue and resolve it tickets are created fine (log
segment: http://ww2.nvps.net/~karl/rterror/ticket_resolve.txt) but
when i resolve an approval ticket it does not create the tickets but
does seem to see the script (log segment:

Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.

-Karl Pietri
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