[rt-users] Unchecking "Let this user be granted rights" causes httpd CPU spin

Kevin Murphy murphy at genome.chop.edu
Fri Feb 18 12:13:30 EST 2005

Perl v5.8.3 under darwin
   Apache v1.27;
   RT v3.2.3rc1;
   DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.16;
   DBD::Pg v1.31;
PosgreSQL 7.4.6

As an experiment, I unchecked "let this user be granted rights" on the 
user configuration page for a user who has open tickets and is a 
watcher on queues.  The request hung (never returned), and one of the 
httpd processes proceeded to consume large amounts of CPU and increase 
its memory use steadily, seemingly without bound.  I've tried this 
several times with two different users to confirm.

It's not really harming me, but I thought I should report it in case it 
hasn't been before.  Yesterday the problem drove my test server into 

As a side note, what I was trying to do was "decommission" a privileged 
user.  It would be neat if there were a way of rolling all current 
responsibilities (new and open tickets, queue watching, CC status) from 
one user to another.

Kevin Murphy

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