[rt-users] Change mail's subject sents by RT

Rodolfo de Moraes Reis rmreis at cpqd.com.br
Thu Feb 24 11:37:36 EST 2005

Hello There!!!

This seems to be very simple.... but i'm not finding the right file to change.... I'd like to change the subject of all e-mail's sents by RT (or more specifically, by RT scrips).
Instead send e-mail with this subject
   "[cpqd.com.br #88] subject"
I'd want such as
   "[RT DSIN #88] subject"

Which does file I need change to resolve this???

OBS: I tried change the $FriendlyFromLineFormat int RT_Config.pm but nothing happens.... and $UseFriendlyFromLine is seted.

Thank's ALL.


Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
DSIN - Grupo de Teste e Qualidade
CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions
Tel.: +55 19 3705-5986 
Fax: +55 19 3705-6786
rmreis at cpqd.com.br

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