[rt-users] Grant Privileges... Is there something like"ShowMyTicket"???

Mai Le mle at Niku.com
Wed Jan 26 15:06:10 EST 2005

You can grant "Requestor" with "ShowTicket" 

-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:16 AM
To: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-users] Grant Privileges... Is there something like"ShowMyTicket"???

Hello There!!!

I've a doubt about grant privileges.... 

For example, There are 2 queues in my RT: Test and Develop. And I've a user that has privileges to act in Test tickets but doesn't have privileges to act in Develop tickets, although he cans only create and follow tickets in this Develop queue. To solve this problem, I grant this user with "CreateTicket" and "SeeQueue" into Develop queue. My doubt is about the "ShowTicket" privilege, because if I check this privilege to this user, he will see all the Develop tickets (and I don't want it because the others develop tickets doen´t matter for him) and if uncheck this option, he cannot see / follow his ticket!! Is there a privilege like "ShowMyTicket"? Because I want that this user just see ticket's created by him!!!

Well... I don't know if my doubt it's so clear.... but I tried!! :)

Thank's for regards!!!!

Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions
Tel.: +55 19 3705-5986
Fax: +55 19 3705-6786
rmreis at cpqd.com.br


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