[rt-users] Unknown column 'main.Disabled' in 'where clause'

James McTavish jmctavish at matrixorbital.ca
Fri Jul 15 16:38:09 EDT 2005

I have just finished upgrading from 3.2.1 to 3.4.2 and everything is  
running smoothly except for custom fields.  When I bring up a ticket,  
I get a ton of these errors in the apache logs (repeated several times):

FastCGI: server "/var/www/rt/rt-3.4.2/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr:  
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'main.Disabled' in  
'where clause' at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ 
Handle.pm line 480., referer: http://rt/Search/Results.html? 

FastCGI: server "/var/www/rt/rt-3.4.2/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr:  
RT::Handle=HASH(0x95d6ba0) couldn't execute the query 'SELECT count 
(main.id) FROM ObjectCustomFieldValues main   WHERE ((main.Disabled =  
'0')) AND ((main.ObjectId = '23707')) AND ((main.ObjectType =  
'RT::Transaction')) ' at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/DBIx/ 
SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 494., referer: http://rt/Search/ 

And when I try to edit custom fields I get:

FastCGI: server "/var/www/rt/rt-3.4.2/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr:  
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'Disabled' in 'field  
list' at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ 
Handle.pm line 480., referer: http://rt/Ticket/Modify.html?id=4798

FastCGI: server "/var/www/rt/rt-3.4.2/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr:  
RT::Handle=HASH(0x95d6ba0) couldn't execute the query 'INSERT INTO  
ObjectCustomFieldValues (ContentType, LargeContent, CustomField,  
Creator, ObjectId, LastUpdatedBy, Disabled, Created, Content,  
ContentEncoding, LastUpdated, ObjectType) VALUES  
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/ 
5.8.6/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 494., referer: http://rt/ 

I found elsewhere similar errors and the solution was to clear out  
the Mason cache.  The mason directories look empty and I've restarted  
the Apache server.  Is there anything else I can do or look at?


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