[rt-users] Any way to Admin RT without the web interface?

Lamont Lucas lamont at cluepon.com
Wed Jul 20 15:24:48 EDT 2005

On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 11:08:10AM -0500, Michael Herz wrote:
> I have spent nearly a week looking on Google and on this mailing list's 
> archives. While I have found some information on resolving tickets 
> through email I have not found any information about doing all Admin 
> functionality through email (take, open, reply, comment, resolve, 
> etc...). I don't think I'm the first person to have wanted this so if 
> anyone has any information or can provide any links on the subject I 
> would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all for your time.

Are you just looking for admin-via-email or just general
admin-not-via-web?  If a commandline interface would work, check
out the file rt, in $RT_HOME/bin/rt

./rt help 

** PLEASE REPORT BUGS TO rt-bugs at fsck.com **

This is a command-line interface to RT 3.

It allows you to interact with an RT server over HTTP, and offers an
interface to RT's functionality that is better-suited to automation
and integration with other tools.

In general, each invocation of this program should specify an action
to perform on one or more objects, and any other arguments required
to complete the desired action.

For more information:

    - rt help actions       (a list of possible actions)
    - rt help objects       (how to specify objects)
    - rt help usage         (syntax information)

    - rt help config        (configuration details)
    - rt help examples      (a few useful examples)
    - rt help topics        (a list of help topics)

 - Lamont
"I am not an atomic playboy."

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