[rt-users] cannot log in as root

Ruslan U. Zakirov Ruslan.Zakirov at miet.ru
Fri Jun 3 18:53:41 EDT 2005

If you don't have valuable data in DB you can reinit DB. goto dir where 
RT sources are, and run
 > make dropdb
 > make initdb
This will reset data.

Tim Suter wrote:

>Is there a way to reinitialize this installation so that I can get root
>access to the web interface back?  Does it need to be that dramatic?
>FastCGI gives me the following error_log:
>[Fri Jun 03 13:36:30 2005] [error] [client x.x.x.x] FastCGI: server
>"/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr: [Fri Jun  3 18:36:30 2005]
>[error]: FAILED LOGIN for admin from x.x.x.x
>(/opt/rt3/share/html/autohandler:197), referer:
>I think it has to lie within FastCGI.  Anyone care to input?  
>Accessing the database rt3 as rt_user and with rt_pass works fine.  
>It's just the web interface I can't get access to as root.
>On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 10:23 -0500, Vicki Stanfield wrote:
>>Tim Suter wrote:
>>>BTW, I don't have anything that I care about saving as this is a clean
>>>test install and have just been poking around seeing what I can do with
>>>it (obviously, I can break it!).  
>>>So, if there is something that I have to do like create a new DB or
>>>whatever, no prob.
>>>On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 10:00 -0500, Tim Suter wrote:
>>>>I have an existing fresh installation of RT3.2.3.  I wanted to use the
>>>>LDAP overlay but was told to change it to Apache's ldap authorization,
>>>>the authzldap module.  After attempting to do that, I couldn't get
>>>>logged in.  So, I thought I would go and "switch everything back" to the
>>>>way it was.  In doing this, I found that after I got things "back", I
>>>>couldn't log in as root with the password I changed before I started
>>>>messing with the authzldap module.  
>>>>I followed the bestpractical FAQ to reset the root password back to the
>>>>default password for the root account, however, that didn't work.  This
>>>>was a MySQL command.
>>>>I restarted MySQL and apache.
>>>>Still nothing.
>>>>Anyone know what I should check now?
>>>>Be sure to check out the RT Wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com
>>>Be sure to check out the RT Wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com
>>Can you bring up mysql as that user outside of RT? (Be sure to use the 
>>username and password from your RT_SiteConfig.pm) Does show databases 
>>show the database for rt?
>Be sure to check out the RT Wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com

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