[rt-users] Comment when ticket transfers queues

Vicki Stanfield vicki at progeny.com
Fri Jun 17 12:11:57 EDT 2005

Jay R. Ashworth wrote:

>On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 11:47:46PM +0400, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>>Vicki Stanfield wrote:
>>>I am trying to determine how to get RT to prompt for and add a comment
>>>to the ticket when it is transferred to another queue. I tried editing
>>1) RT adds transaction to the ticket that ticket was moved from queue A
>>to queue B.
>>2) You can't force user to add comment whe he moves ticket to another
>>queue. Learn your users explain thier movement.
>"The software can't do it, train your users not to forget" is never an
>acceptable answer, Ruslan.  :-)
>Yes, I believe that's what she wants: she wants to force RT to prompt
>for a comment transaction to automagically accompany the queue change
>On reflection, it seems to *me* that the easiest way to accomplish
>that, since the queue in which a ticket lives seems only to be able to
>be changed in the GUI from Basics and Jumbo, is to further restrict it
>only to the Jumbo screen, and modify the code which catches it to throw
>an error on Queue changes unless the comment field has contents in it.
>I'm not enough of an RT hacker to know how practical such a change to
>the code is, but this sort of speaks to where *I* was originally going
>with ticket-tracking design before I found RT, which is that *every*
>transaction automatically has fields for both private and public
>comment, regardless of what sort of transaction it is.
>-- jra
Yes, this would be an improvement IMHO. I really think it is better to 
offer the user an opportunity to comment even if it goes unused much of 
the time. The database size change would be minimal and the benefit 
would be great. Our situation is that we transfer tickets back and forth 
between queues to pass them off for the next stage of work. Sure, I can 
go and add a comment to tell them what stage was just completed and what 
was done by whom, but it seems to me that wanting to do so would be more 
the rule than the exception. Is my intended usage so unusual? Anyway, I 
am happy to help in any way that I can with the code modification, 
although I suspect that my weak Perl skills probably deter this.


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