[rt-users] create default root user - oracle backend

joe macdonald joe_macdonald25 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 22 18:44:20 EDT 2005

I've installed RT 3.4.2, ran make initialize-database
but it doesn't seem to be creating the 'root' user. 
It does create the tables though.  My backend db is
Oracle.  I tried inserting a user into the USERS table
via sqlplus but still no luck. I used the drop.Oracle
script to remove the Oracle db but there were some
errors, then I tried make initialize-database again
and it creates the tables again, but I also see this:

ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
(DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char
18 in '


How can I manually create a user (if necessary)?  



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