[rt-users] Ticket Escalation without Updated field being updated

Mattias Nordstrom nordstrom at realnode.com
Wed Mar 2 05:02:37 EST 2005


I'm running a nigthly cron which looks like this:

rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue --search-arg 
Inquiries --condition RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours --condition-arg 24 
--action RT::Action::EscalatePriority --verbose

The purpose of this is to escalate tickets which haven't been worked on 
for 24 hours or more. I also do different actions on it after being 
untouched for several days, etc. This however would require that the 
ticket doesn't get updated when escalated. Is this doable?


Mattias Nordstrom
Oy Realnode Ab

nordstrom at realnode.com

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