[rt-users] anonymous access to RT

G. Matthew Rice matt at starnix.com
Wed Mar 2 20:36:55 EST 2005

Hi everyone,

Long time listener, first time poster...

I'm setting up a site for an open source project that I'm working on and I
would like to have 'anonymous' people submit tickets through e-mail or the
web interface.

I'd also like to let those people view the tickets and, I guess, edit the
ones that they have submitted.

I've googled, read the wiki, looked at the archives but it doesn't seem like
anyone is using RT in this way (read: I don't want to use Bugzilla, if you
want ;).

Even /SelfService seems to require an account in advance.

I guess that I could create a 'guest' user that can only read tickets.  I
should note that there are other queues on the system that aren't going to be
made available to the public.

Any suggestions?  Am I missing something here?

g. matthew rice <matt at starnix.com>           starnix, toronto, ontario, ca
phone: 647.722.5301 x242                                  gpg id: EF9AAD20
http://www.starnix.com              professional linux services & products

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