[rt-users] Is there a way to watch for updates to tickets ?

Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Tue Mar 15 22:09:53 EST 2005

Russell Mosemann wrote:

>On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Rainer Duffner wrote:
>>is there a way to watch for updates to tickets by customers (or other 
>>support staff).
>I don't care for any more email in my mailbox, and I would just like to
>look at the list of tickets I own to see which ones I should check
>next.  When a ticket depends on the action of someone else (e.g., I just
>replied to the ticket and I'm waiting for the user to respond), I set the
>status to stalled.  When the user responds, the ticket will be opened,

OK, that's a good start and better than nothing. I didn't think about this.

>I hacked "tickets I own..." to display stalled as well as open and new
>tickets.  I also hacked the display so that "new" is displayed in blue and
>"open" is displayed in green so that it is easier to see tickets that have
>been opened, again, at a glance.

Makes sense.
May I come back to you about this later ?


~     Rainer Duffner - rainer at ultra-secure.de     ~
~           Freising - Munich - Germany           ~
~    Unix - Linux - BSD - OpenSource - Security   ~
~  http://www.ultra-secure.de/~rainer/pubkey.pgp  ~

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