[rt-users] DEV dependencies

beer beer at cmu.edu
Wed Mar 30 16:05:59 EST 2005

Hello All

I searched the archives and didnt find my answer so I hope I am not repeating anything.

My question is:  How dependant is RT on the DEV dependencies listed in the output of the testdeps target?

In the environment where I'll be running RT, we are using a semi-homegrown host configuration system.  I cannot install anything using cpan.  This has not been a problem for most things.  cpan2rpm or cpanflute2 have been very useful for creating and cataloging rpms into our system.  However, WWW-Mechanize has some dependencies that I am having trouble getting around.  

I have a working configuration area and was able to use it to install an RT instance on my local machine but I had to 'unrequire' the Mechanize module.  Everything seems to be working fine, but since this is merely a poc installation and it isnt really get hit with requests, I wanted to get an idea of what I am likely screwing up by not installing Mechanize.



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