[rt-users] Set Priority via Email

Brad Pinkston bradp at newmediagateway.com
Fri Nov 11 09:40:40 EST 2005

Trey Brackenridge was nice enough to help me out.  This was easy to do
and works perfectly.  I've copied the list on this so that it gets added
into the archive.


Have a look at

I have not done it with ExtractCustomFieldValues, but I am currently
setting priority via email with the below Scrip.  It looks for an email
header named "X-RT-Priority: <priority_value>".

   Desc: SetInitialPriority
   Cond: On Create
   Action: User Defined
   Template: Global: Blank
   Stage: TransactionCreate

   Custom Cond:
   Custom Prep:
   Custom Cleanup:
     my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
     my $FirstAttachment = $Transaction->Attachments->First;
     unless ( $FirstAttachment ) { return 1; }

     my $priority = $FirstAttachment->GetHeader("X-RT-Priority");

     if ($priority) {
        $RT::Logger->info("Found X-RT-Priority.  Set priority to:
$priority :");

     return( 1 );

I hope this is helpful.


Brad Pinkston
Sr. Linux Systems Administrator
E: bradp at newmediagateway.com
O: 214.206.3485
M: 469.682.6487
F: 303.496.2712

-----Original Message-----
From: Torsten Brumm [mailto:tob at brummix.de] 
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 8:28 AM
To: Brad Pinkston
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Set Priority via Email

Hi Brad,

can you pls explain how you have seted up? I'm fighting with this since 
some weeks under RT 3.4.4 without success till now. Can you explain how 
you have done this and which RT Version you are use?


Brad Pinkston schrieb:

> Has anyone used the contrib action ExtractCustomFieldVaules to set 
> priority? I'm currently using it to populate custom fields
> Brad Pinkston
> Sr. Linux Systems Administrator
> _bradp at newmediagateway.com_ <mailto:bradp at newmediagateway.com>
> office: 214.206.3485
> mobile: 469.682.6487
> eFax: 303.496.2712
> _http://support.newmediagateway.com_
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