[rt-users] Query Builder 'Owner' Values Incomplete

Mike Friedman mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Nov 16 11:35:52 EST 2005

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I've found the answer to my question, but I'm now wondering if RT's 
behavior is what it should be.

It turns out that the 'Owner' selection list in Query Builder consists 
only of those users that have been given the 'Own Ticket' right 
*explicitly*, either individually or via group rights. When I sent my 
original question, a user who owned a ticket and had 'SuperUser' rights, 
still didn't show up in the 'Owner' selection list.  Once I added 'Own 
Ticket' to that user's rights (actually to the rights of the group to 
which the user belonged), the user showed up in the selection list.

My question now is whether any user with a right that implies the 'Own 
Ticket' right should be included in the 'Owner' selection list.  After 
all, the user *was* able to own a ticket (being SuperUser), in fact in my 
case the user did own at least one ticket.  And when I built a manual 
query for tickets owned by that user, it did work, as I indicated in my 
earlier note.



On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 at 16:31 (-0800), Mike Friedman wrote:

> I'm testing my new RT 3.4.2 setup, which is almost ready for production. 
> Looking at the Query Builder page, I try to search for all tickets with 
> a specific Owner.  So, I go to the 'Owner' 'is' selection and select the 
> pull down for possible values of 'Owner'.  But all it shows are two 
> owners: 'Nobody' and 'helpdesk', the latter being one of the *many* 
> users I've set up in my RT configuration.  Why don't any of the other 
> users show up?
> It appears that the other selection fields don't have this problem. for 
> example, on the 'Queue' 'is' line, the pulldown shows all my queues.
> On the other hand, if I use the Advanced query page and manually build a 
> query for all tickets with any user I choose, it works fine and the 
> search is successful.
> BTW:  My level of DBIx::SearchBuilder is 1.27.
> Am I overlooking something obvious?

Mike Friedman                   System and Network Security
mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU          2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                  University of California at Berkeley
http://ack.Berkeley.EDU/~mikef  http://security.berkeley.edu

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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